• 24 Hour Cancellation Policy

    Every patient is individually scheduled with the dentist or hygienist. We do not overbook our patients. Emergencies, conflicts, and illnesses do occasionally require that we reschedule our patients. We understand that emergencies, conflicts, and illnesses occur in the lives of our patients as well. When these occur, we require at least a 24-hour prior notice for cancellation.

     As a courtesy, we ask that you give us notice at least 24 hours in advance of appointment changes or cancellations.

    Arriving Late

    When we reserve time for you, we require all of that time to provide you with the best quality work possible. When you are late it decreases our ability to accomplish this. If you arrive more than 15 minutes late, your appointment may be rescheduled in order to meet the needs of those who are on time for their pre-reserved visit.